Effect of feeding milk replacer with different protein sources
- Javier Heras
- Mariona Tapiolas
- Georgina Maynou
- Feeding
- Clinics & herd health
- Economics
- Replacement
Year of publication
- 2018
Effect of feeding milk replacer with different protein sources on growth, starter intake and feeding costs
Feeding to calves a milk replacer with a higher protein level and containing milk protein as the unique source of protein instead of a milk replacer with a lower protein level and containing milk and soy protein concentrate results in greater growth rates and improved feed efficiency of calves before weaning. Furthermore, feeding milk replacers containing solely milk protein leads to lesser costs per kilogram of gain in calves than those fed milk replacer with both, milk and soy protein, although the first milk feeding regime has the greatest feed cost.
Authors: Georgina Maynou, Mariona Tapioles and Javier Heras
Journal: ANEMBE International Conference on Bovine Medicine. Vigo, June 7, 2018.
Link: https://www.congresoanembe.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Programa-oficial-Congreso-ANEMBE-2018.pdf